telemedicine services

Tele-ECG: Digital Heart Health

Fast, reliable ECG analysis with expert opinions at your fingertips.

Fast, reliable ECG analysis with expert opinions at your fingertips.


What We Offer:

  • 12-Lead ECG Device
  • Integration for uploading ECG graphs from third-party devices.
  • Patient registration and ECG capturing through our mobile app
  • Personalised PDF reports in A4 size
  • 24x7 reporting service
Tele-Medicine Services

How It Works:

    Seamless Registration: Simplify patient registration by using our user-friendly mobile app, eliminating paperwork and streamlining the process.
    Accurate ECG Capture: Utilize our advanced ECG device or compatible third-party devices for effortless and precise ECG capture.
    Effortless Reporting: Instantly upload ECG graphs, images, or PDFs through our intuitive platform, making data sharing and analysis effortless.
    Expert Diagnoses: Benefit from the expertise of our renowned doctors specializing in Cardiology and Medicine, who provide invaluable insights and diagnoses.
    Streamlined Reports: Experience real-time generation of comprehensive, pre-approved reports available online, eliminating unnecessary wait times.
    Patient Empowerment: Patients and their families can easily access and download the report PDF through our mobile app, ensuring convenient information sharing.
    Unmatched Support: In the case of abnormal reports, seek second opinions or engage in telephonic consultations with the reporting doctor. We provide comprehensive support when you need it most.

Key Features

    Time Efficiency: Experience the fastest ECG capture-to-report process, completed within an impressive 30 minutes. We prioritize your health without compromising efficiency.
    Expert Medical Care: Rely on our qualified team of doctors specializing in DNB Cardiology, DM Cardiology, and MD Medicine. With us, you receive top-tier medical expertise.
    Seamless Integration: Embrace our plug-and-play device and user-friendly mobile app designed for simplicity. We eliminate complexity, allowing you to focus on what matters most.
    Reimagined Reports: All reports are delivered in A4-sized PDFs with customizable letterheads. Easily print and share vital information with utmost convenience.
    Verified Authenticity: Each report bears the signature and registration number of the reporting doctor, ensuring trust and authenticity.
    Streamlined Integration: Our system seamlessly integrates with third-party billing and CRM systems, streamlining your workflow and enhancing efficiency.
    Flexible Payment Solutions: Enjoy the convenience of our online wallet system, offering pay-as-you-go flexibility. Experience hassle-free transactions with ease.

Key Benefits

  • Timely Expertise Access:
    Our reporting service enables prompt access to cardiologists and specialists, improving diagnosis and treatment decisions, especially in remote areas.
  • Accelerated Turnaround:
    Electronic transmission of ECG recordings reduces interpretation time, leading to faster diagnosis and intervention for better patient outcomes.
  • Expanded Coverage and Availability:
    Our services connect healthcare facilities with specialists in different locations and time zones, ensuring 24/7 access to ECG interpretations.
  • Cost-effective Resource Utilization:
    We optimize resource utilization by leveraging remote expertise, reducing costs without compromising care quality or requiring patient transfers.
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Quality Control:
    Distraction-free ECG review and quality control mechanisms improve interpretation accuracy and reduce errors.
  • Support for Remote Monitoring:
    We facilitate remote monitoring and follow-up care, minimizing in-person visits and promoting continuity of care.
  • Collaboration and Second Opinions:
    Our solution enables remote collaboration and consultations among specialists, fostering knowledge exchange and improving interpretation quality.
  • Seamless EHR Integration:
    Our solution seamlessly integrates with EHR platforms, streamlining data transfer and storage for easy access to historical ECG information.